Never one to look a gift horse (or gift snake) in the mouth, I happened upon this wee boy and his slimy friend outside a fort in Jaipur. Quite bemused that I wanted to do the 'charming' myself, he handed over the whistle and watched me poo myself as I blew into it and the snake shot out my way!!! I'm happy to admit that I was terrified as Andy kept telling me he hadn't quite got a picture and could I get a bit closer. In hindsight, I don't know what was more dangerous, antagonizing a snake OR putting the gob filled whistle near my mouth.
Another challenge ticked off and I live to see another day!
Wow, what an amazing picture!
Hmm as the setter of this task I have to call into question it's succesful completion, in the picture you don't appear to have the snake charmers instrument in your mouth you appear to be blowing on it from afar!
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