Here I am at the
Taj Mahal, posing for my tourist-
tastic piccie.
The reason it is such a significant photo is because it was the last one taken of me as a single girl. Yes that's right, I"M ENGAGED!!!
There is only one small problem...... I got engaged more than once.
As was requested of me I shunned the
delights of the worlds most photographed building and instead concentrated my efforts on finding a man.
Scanning the crowds for the first suitable candidate, I plunged down on one knee as white jumper man was approaching, only for him to laugh and say NO!
Not one to take rejection kneeling down, I decided that an older man was perhaps the way forward. Enter candidate number two. And wouldn't you know, he was delighted and it was a resounding YES (much to the confusion o
f his accompanying wife!).
Brimming with
new found confidence I jumped into proposal number 3. Another YES! Perhaps then too confident, I jumped on green shirt man with such vigour that he didn't even wait to hear the end of the question. He look horrified and literally ran away.
Two YES and two NO. It was all to play for in the final hit. I took my time and choose my target well. Along came little black & White jumper man with his welcoming face and happy demeanor. Surely he was only biding his time at the Taj till an older western woman came to sweep him off his feet!
I made my approach, gently took his hand in mine, lowered myself to the ground and uttered the immortal line ..... "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" He lowered his eyes to meet mine, smiled his beautiful, innocent smile, giggled a little and said ...... 'no'.
I was gutted.
Dejected and deflated I dragged myself up and shuffled away humiliated.
But wait, Nuala shouted. He's coming back.
And so he was.
"I change mind" he smiled. "Ask me again"
So swallowing what little pride I had left, I once again got down on bended knee and repeated the crucial line.
"YES, YES" he beamed. "I will marry you" swiftly followed by "where do you live?"
Some might say he was looking for a green card but I know it was love at second sight!
So my future husband and I will be heading back to the UK any day now. Engagement presents at the ready.....